They say the eyes are the window to the soul, but this eye has no soul. So why is it so difficult to look away? It is beautiful, really, in a disturbing way.
Actually, my ex-husband has a glass eye. He lost his eye in a bar fight years ago. A pool stick was involved. I don't like to think about it and have not seen him in person since sometime around 1975, long before the accident. My son wrote a very bawdy but entertaining song with his brother, Chad, called, "My Dad's Left Eye." Little Jill was afraid to meet her grandpa for the first time. What if he removed the eye??? But she came back from her visit just fine and is very fond of him. The eye stayed where it belonged.
Now that I think of it, I know why dolls are sometimes scary. Especially the old ones with the cracked faces. It is the eyes . . .