A simple Sunday supper that never fails to please my husband. Bacon, scrambled eggs and toast. We finished with a glass of Merlot on the steamy porch watching a rainstorm. We did make some great Reuben sandwiches earlier this week. A loaf of rye bread, some Provolone cheese, a package of corned beef and a can of sauerkraut along with some Dijon mustard and coleslaw and dill pickles on the side. For the price of one or two fancy deli sandwiches we can make 8 grilled sandwiches. If you haven't tried this at home it is worth the effort. Thanks to my followers and good friends. I promise to try some new recipes and try to get more vegetables and less cholesterol in our diet. We had a happy Sunday watching preseason football and golf (and some old movies for me.) The grandchildren were farmed out to various relatives while Jaime and Aaron went to the Blackwater Music Festival in Live Oak, Florida. They camped out and listened to music for three days. Everyone is back home ready for school tomorrow. Next Sunday is the bridal shower for my son's fiance. Happy Sunday.