I guess this picture kind of got to me. This is my second entry for Willow's Magpie Tales #17.
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email - 5/7/2010
I rented a little room in Kentucky last weekend, just to get away you know? Figure out what to do next with my screwed up life. I drove up this dark mountain road with my hands clenched on the wheel, eyes glued to the center white line so I wouldn't go crashing over the edge. I'm not much for mountain driving and it took longer than I thought to get there. It was a little motel on the side of the road. You should have seen it. Looked a little like the Bates motel (from "Psycho"). It had one neon sign that said, "Vacancy". There was an envelope under the door mat with a note and a key. The owner was out of town. She told me to leave the money on the dresser when I left. Imagine that?
It was plain but clean with white paneled walls and a floral bedspread. Amazingly, I found a bubble tub in the bathroom and had a long soak. I was sitting on the porch swing with a glass of wine and a cigarette. (Yes, I know, I quit six months ago.) That is when I heard something funny. It was a faint song. A high pitched child's voice. Very lilting and sweet. I couldn't get the tune out of my head. I only heard it for a minute but then it was gone. I went to bed and tried to sleep. I had a weird dream of something cold and small crawling into bed with me and curling up next to my back. No more sleeping after that. I read until dawn.
The next morning the sun was shining and the birds were singing. I felt very silly for being afraid the night before. I took a backpack and decided to go exploring. It was tough going. Very overgrown with brush. You know I am not a country girl. I was breathing hard when I came to a clearing with an old cemetary. Then I found this. It is a child's headstone. I took this picture to send you because I knew no one would believe me. Well, I kind of freaked out. I ran all the way back, stumbling on the tree roots. I packed up and headed back to the city that morning. Call me when you see this. I only get your voice mail. Maybe we could do lunch? I need to talk to someone. I'm afraid to go to sleep.